Jane’s Comments on Dinner With a Perfect Stranger

  Well, you know I don’t really know about all that, but it reminded me of my spiritual awakening on our trip to Greece and Turkey. When you encounter the living God it wakes you up, startles you, turns you inside out, rearranges your thoughts and everything about your life. I really identified with Nick. […]


Katharine’s Comments on Dinner With a Perfect Stranger

  This book brings out that historical debate between the more fundamentalist Christians and the liberal Christians. For many, the “litmus test” of whether or not you have the right beliefs to get into heaven hinges on Gregory’s focus. Yet, I agree with Sallie. Jesus was not nearly as close-minded as many modern Christians. Sometimes […]


Sallie’s Comments on Dinner With a Perfect Stranger

  Yes, I wondered about what he said about Hinduism.  At our Global Education Speaker Series, I learned that the Hindus don’t really believe in having 10,000 deities – but rather there are 10,000 names for God. And he picked some rather strange things about Islam to draw out. Islam really has more similarities to […]


Molly’s Comments on Dinner With A Perfect Stranger

  Abigail makes a good point there. My people often feel excluded by white Americans, and so perhaps I’m a little more sensitive to that exclusivity that he attributes to Jesus. Martin Luther King, Jr. had no problem learning from Gandhi. I like to believe that the West has things to learn from the East. […]


Abigail’s Comment son Dinner With a Perfect Stranger

    While I appreciated the gentle, loving relationship that developed between Nick and Jesus, I had problems with some of the pat answers of his Jesus, as well as his outright dismissal of other belief systems. Within Christianity there is a tendency by many to claim a monopoly on the truth, yet there are […]


Priscilla’s Comments on Dinner With a Perfect Stranger

    I loved this book.  I want to read it again and again.  Can you imagine actually having dinner with Jesus? He was so kind and loving, caring for Nick and he had all the right answers! I want to read it again. And all we have to do is knock and Jesus is […]


Nancy’s Comments on Dinner With a Perfect Stranger

Kudos to David Gregory for creating a serious story with a gentle, credible tone that lifts up the love of Jesus and Gregory’s understanding of Christian truth. The character, Nick, is well developed and evolving as he grapples with the surreal aspects of the situation, and as gradually his doubts give way to belief. The […]


Priscilla’s Comments on Consider the Fork

  Did you think she was poking fun at those that spend thousands to renovate their kitchens? I would love to have a beautiful kitchen. If Moses and I get married, he said he’d remodel mine for me. He knows the way to my heart! Maybe it’s true, like she said, kitchens haven’t really changed […]


Abigail’s Comments on Consider the Fork

    I did find this book went on a little much.  Consider the spoons! Consider the forks! More information than I needed in that chapter on eating!  But she did say…… “Having more gadgetry — more kitchen belongings – at our disposal does not necessarily make life easier.” (Location 2945 – Kindle). Allelulia! Let’s […]


Molly’s Comments on Consider the Fork

  I focused on the “Grind” chapter.  Always keep my nose to the grindstone, my Mama used to say. Cooking was a lot of work before blenders and automatic choppers came into vogue. Listen to this: “Behind every course of a grand dinner was a mini-army of minions with sore arms.” (Location 2403-Kindle). She speaks […]