Nancy’s Comments on All the Way Home

I loved this book, an award winning book for good reason.  Ann Tatlock developed strong characters and wove their story through historical struggles of race and war in our country. Beginning with a childhood friendship, Tatlock carefully crafts an epic, taking us on a journey that gives an inside view of  World War II experiences […]


Jane’s Comments on All the Way Home

I never knew about all of this. I was a young girl during the civil rights movement, attending an all white school in Dayton. I realize I still have some things to learn. I know some people want to yank history out of the schools, I thought it might be a good idea myself. But […]


Katharine’s Comments on All the Way Home

I was intrigued with her descriptions from the inside of the Japanese Americans dealing with the aftermath of Pearl Harbor in California and the African Americans, struggling to exercise their right to vote. She did her research and wrote a powerful story, incorporating their experience.  


Sallie’s Comments on All the Way Home

Childhood friendship that takes the cake! Young children don’t have the prejudice of the old. I loved the pure relationship between Augie and Sunny and the way Augie reminded us of the universal need to be loved. She found the love in Sunny’s Japanese home, lacking in her own. Flowers grow toward the sun, and […]


Molly’s Comments on All the Way Home

Land oh my! For a white lady she sure wrote the journey of my people in Mississippi up well. Henry Lee’s worship before the voter registration trip did God proud. Especially, I appreciated the way she made those Blacks in the South deeply spiritual. Often the case, that those who suffer the most are closer […]


Priscilla’s Comments on All the Way Home

I liked Sunny and her husband, their love and their allegiance to Jesus which caused them to stand up for what’s right. Helping those people in the South with learning to pass the registration test and then facing persecution along side them, just like Jesus would do.  


Abigail’s Comments on All the Way Home

  Where do I begin? Ann Tatlock did an awesome job writing a very human and deeply spiritual book. As a Quaker, we don’t believe in violence, but not to say that there’s plenty of evil needing corrected out there. I’m reminded of Pogo’s quote, “We have met the enemy, and it is us.” Whether […]


Nancy’s Comments on Spoon River Anthology

Spoon River introduces life in a small town, a slice of 19th century American life; the realm of my grandparents, and my great grandparents. Edgar Lee Masters crafted an artful masterpiece, popular in literature classes because it takes time and consideration to unearth the gems scattered about this collection of eulogies. The relationships, life work, […]


Jane’s Comments on Spoon River Anthology

I, of course, identified with Thomas Rhodes and like his idea that those of us who seek the treasures of the earth, i.e. gold! are compact, self-contained and harmonized to the end, as opposed to you liberals and intellectuals – splitting the soul into atoms! Hear! Hear! .


Katharine’s Comments on Spoon River Anthollogy

Surely a literary work of genius, but reading this I remember why I started to escape into romance novels. Sometimes I need something fun to give my mind a break. I read this in high school and remember trying to figure out who the different characters would be in my small Minnesota town. It did […]