Sallie’s Comments on Spoon River Anthology

Are people really all that bad? As I read this book, I kept wondering where is the joy, the laughter, the good? Certainly bad things happen in community, but there is always so much good, also. We decry the media for constantly reporting the evil. I say Masters needs to balance the bad with the […]


Molly’s Comments on Spoon River Anthology

Well, albeit a rather dark collection, I do appreciate the way the underdogs triumph, or at least are as good as the top dogs in this picture of American life. As a writer, I can appreciate the work as a whole, but lament that the town Poet Petit missed the poetry, blind to the patterns […]


Abigail’s Comments on Spoon River Anthology

Poor Rev. Peet. God rest his soul. I thought of my late husband who also spent hours every week crafting sermons; and to have them all burned by someone who bought the trunkfull after his death? Yet such it is with our life work, often just dust in the wind. I’ve self-published a book of […]


Priscilla’s Comments on Spoon River Anthology

Emily Sparks, clearly a woman of God, trying to evangelize her student — but the young lad must’ve been hopelessly in love with his teacher. Sometimes, lust interferes with the word of God. Not the first time! I’ve heard this one before