Abigail’s Comments on Spiritual Ecology

ABIGAIL: The Quakers listen for that still, small voice within. That’s why we have silent meetings. Truth arrives when we open ourselves to hear. Yes, I believe the earth is deeply spiritual and as we listen, we will find the answers. I find this book deeply encouraging.   


Molly’s Comments on Spiritual Ecology

MOLLY: God led the people out of slavery in Egypt. He led my people out of slavery in the USA. God is about leading people into a better place; so I’m with Hushpuppy from The Call of the Wild. I believe we need to listen to God within creation to find our way.  


Priscilla’s Comments on Spiritual Ecology

  PRISCILLA: This will take time for me to digest this book. I keep wondering what Jesus would say about this book. I know the Bible teaches that we should be stewards of the earth and that God speaks to us through the mountains, waters, out of the nature. It’s such a different viewpoint than […]


Jane’s Comments on Spiritual Ecology

JANE: Yes, Priscilla. I don’t usually agree with you, but I do find myself wondering a little when I read this book. Really? Is God within the inherent nature of the universe, speaking to us and showing us the way to solve the ecological crisis? I hope so, but I’m a little skeptical.