Spiritual Seedlings Interviews

Revelations Series: Revelation in the Roots: Emerald Isle A Spiritual Seedlings Interview with Carl McColman on Celtic Spirituality 3/19/22 Talking about Race: An Interview with Michael E. Crockett Talking about Race: An Interview with Dr. Pamela Young Talking about Race: An Interview with Dr. Ruzanna Hernandez Talking about Race: An Interview with Lori Beth Clark […]


Revelations Blog: Revelations in Ireland

Like many Americans, I’ve had an infatuation with the Irish and Ireland. Perhaps it’s because I remember as a child a man told me I looked Irish. Perhaps it’s because when I studied Ethnicity and Community in college, while doing a paper on my own roots, I discovered my great grandmother was Irish. Perhaps it’s […]


Reflections on My Life

Today, I want to shed some light on the meanderings of my life. Recently, on a silent retreat, a leader suggested that we could view ourselves as an integrated whole. I found myself intrigued with this notion. I then spent some time reflecting and digging deep into who I am for insight. I wondered if […]