Spiritual Seedlings

Why Can’t We All Just Get Along?

June 7th, 2022

As summer approaches, vacation gatherings are coming up. We visit with family and friends, remotely and/or in person. It’s wonderful to be surrounded by those we love. And yet, if your family is like mine, there is also division. We don’t all think alike. We don’t believe the same things. And in many cases, we belong to different political parties.

The division in the United States along party lines has grown deeper in recent years. So deep that our government often struggles to pass basic legislation to keep things functioning, much less address the serious issues facing us all.

When we gather with family and friends, we’re careful not to discuss things when we know we’ll disagree. Or we may get ready for a kick down, drag out and do battle at times.

But why is this? Why can’t we just all get along? What is dividing us and is that a good thing? Certainly, most of the time we are confident of our own beliefs, as much as we are sure that that other person owns faulty beliefs.

And yet, I am convinced now, more than ever, we must find a path to peace among divided Americans. Somehow, we need to come back together.

I remember in family mediation training years ago, a marriage counselor said that one of his goals in therapy would be for conflicting spouses to admit their partner might be right just 1% of the time, even if they were wrong 99% of the time. That 1% would get a foot in the door to reconciliation.

I’m a big advocate of listening. Somehow, we need to listen to each other. We especially need to listen to those with whom we disagree.

I believe our future as a nation will hinge on our ability to mend fences, listen to each other and build bridges together.

In my award-winning new book, Revelation in the Roots: Emerald Isle, the Magnificent and Marvelous Book Club (The MAMs) explore Ireland with their group home friends, listening to their roots and differences, forging a new path to peace.

Can Republicans and Democrats understand each other? Can they fall in love? Can they work together to build a better nation and world?  Read my book and tell me what you think. You can find out more about the book at this link:

Revelation in the Roots: Emerald Isle