A Letter from the Earth on the Pandemic – March 18, 2020

Dear Nancy,
In this time of fear, I call you to hold light. Each of you has the power to love. Beyond the unknown, beyond the breaking news, reach out and love those around you.
This is not the first time that pestilence has befallen on the people. Throughout time, pestilence and plagues, natural and unnatural disasters have impacted humankind. My creation is far from perfect.
Things happen. I’m sorry. Sometimes humans cause these things. Sometimes there is no one to blame. Know that in all situations I am with you to love and to protect.
Stay close to me and your true self. Glow like the candle. Dance like the ballerina. Sing your song. Let your voice be heard. You can’t go wrong.
I love you.
A Letter from the Earth on Speaking Up – March 3, 2019

Dear Nancy,
Today, I want you to speak up for me.
Do you see the forests burning down?
Do you see the winds picking up?
Do you see the floods destroying towns?
Do you see mudslides ravishing communities?
Do you see erratic weather wreaking havoc both in your country and around the globe?
The young people know the truth. Many older people, also. Fake news is destroying the Earth.
I have given you all of this. I have given you life – not to squander – but to cherish and to love.
Nancy, it’s beyond time to speak.
I ask you and the masses now to speak truth to power.
It’s not too late, but it will be soon.
I love you all so much.
A Letter from the Earth on Listening 8/28/18
For several years, I have been receiving Letters from the Earth. Now, she urges me to share them with you. I believe they come from deep in the heart of God, the nurturing energy in all of creation. I received this letter earlier this week. I teach and practice listening as a mediator, and yet I’m also an extrovert. This letter really hit home. It transformed my day. Perhaps it will speak to you as well.
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August 28
Dear Nancy,
You listen to me and I speak. Listen to the others as well. Hear what they are saying.
What if for one day your goal is to draw others out? What if you just try to hear them? Don’t tell them what you think.
Listen. Write it down. Really hear.
Then come back and talk to me about what is happening in their lives and what you have learned.
I will open doors you never imagined. It all starts with a listening ear.
16 A Letter from the Earth encouraging me to Continue Listening
For several years, I have been receiving Letters from the Earth. Now, she urges me to share them with you. I believe they come from deep in the heart of God, the nurturing energy in all of creation. This has been a wonderful experience for me. And now as I prepare to launch a book with the first 24 letters I received, to be published next month by Higher Ground Books I was remembered this early letter I received, when the Earth encouraged me to continue to listen. I’m so glad I did!
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January 25, 2016
Dear Nancy,
Thank you for listening to me. Your discipline is bearing fruit.
You are learning to celebrate and appreciate the life we share. You are learning to marvel at the miracles unfolding constantly around you. You are learning to savor your food.
At the same time, you are learning to speak up, to call others to awaken and not to give up in speaking for me, for the natural world that we share.
So I applaud your willingness to receive these letters from me. I will keep writing as long as you are listening.
Enjoy the adventure of your day and yes, check out the possibilities of dance lessons. You won’t be disappointed. Thank you for taking seriously my instructions to dance!
Love, Gaia
A Letter from the Earth concerning Generosity and Denial 7/15/18

For several years, I have been receiving Letters from the Earth. Now, she urges me to share them with you. I believe they come deep from the heart of God, the nurturing energy in all of creation. I asked the Earth what to do about denial of climate change and received this letter.
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Dear Nancy,
Today I want you to consider two things: 1) Generosity and 2) Denial.
First, I want you to revel with delight in the abundance of nature – of all that I have created for you. Consider the beauty of a mountain, the exquisite delight of new born babies. Let the refreshing scenes of your travels and local landscapes take you into bliss as you enjoy the incredible diversity of your planet. Consider rushing rivers, meandering streams, spraying, cascading, pounding water falls. Focus in to the intricacy of a flower, the miracles of tomatoes ripening on a vine, a spider spinning geometric lace to catch breakfast. Consider your kitty cat purring on your chest and calming you into silence as you sit with me in the morning. I have poured out my generosity for all of you. I love you all, Nancy.
But then, consider denial. Your people on your planet are using up this creation that I took 4.7 billion years to evolve for you. Not only that, but the businesses are hiring PR firms to delude you from the truth of your destructiveness. Environmental safeguards are obstacles to business. Throw them out! Dismantle the EPA. Climate change is a joke. Get rid of alternative energies and anything standing in the way of your fossil fuel companies adding to their store of billions.
But Nancy, denial is dangerous at this time. Your planet teeters on the brink of destruction. Tens of thousands of species are already extinct. You humans will find your own demise if you don’t change your ways.
Please speak, Nancy. Don’t lose heart. I call you and the multitudes to stand up for us all. Never doubt you can make a difference. You already have.
A Letter from the Earth on Independence Day – My Birthday 7/4/18

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For several years, I have been receiving Letters from the Earth. Now, she urges me to share them with you. I believe they come deep from the heart of God, the nurturing energy in all of creation. I was born on the 4th of July. My birthday is a real party day, celebrating the independence of our country. This year, for my birthday, the Earth wrote me about celebrating interdependence. So helpful to me, and perhaps to you.
Dear Nancy,
Today you celebrate another year of life. Congratulations and Happy Birthday! You always celebrate your life with the birthday of your country. It’s a happy time of partying and parades, picnics and fireworks and I know it also causes you concern, because you know both you and your country are part of a global community, interdependent on each other in so many ways.
So you may say celebrating independence is not as important as celebrating interdependence. I say go for it!
My creation is an evolving creation. The many ways people choose to live, organize, express themselves and relate contribute to the flow of diversity ever present. And it’s also true you humans have a unique role in that you do have much intelligence and ability to manipulate and use the gifts of your planet for your own benefit and gain, sometimes at the expense of others and at the expense of the ecosystem. If you go too far, you can create conditions that will make it very difficult for even your species to survive here. And so, I know you want the humans to awaken to their common dilemna and institute change before it’s too late. I hope for this as well. And so I continue to write you and I love you and interact with all who listen to me.
It’s your birthday. Be awake. Dance. Participate fully in this wonderful life you’ve been given. Marvel at the flowers. Exert your body and feel life coursing through your veins. Float in refreshing water. Listen to a symphony. Join the cacophony. Celebrate your interdependence with the people of Earth. Celebrate the US of A. Celebrate the good here, too, and know you are always a unique child of mine, an expression of the universe, full flower, capable of love. So do that and be happy.
I love you,
27 A Letter from the Earth about Riding My Bike to work 5/24/16
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Dear Nancy,
I’ve seen you on your bike, making a statement in your community. You enjoy being out there in that way, don’t you? I hear you saying, “See, we don’t need these cars as much as we think we do. If I can do this, so can you!”
I smile at the ingenuity of your ways. You have the luxury to ride on the beautiful days and to take your car during the lousy ones. And so you do.
But, I want to encourage you to ride your bike, not just to make a statement (which you do) but also because it connects you more to Me. I notice you slowing down. I watch you breathing in the air. I see you observe my landscape. I see you enjoy the park, watching the river, I sense you more grounded in your life when you ride your bike.
You humans rush around in those cars of yours. They take you wherever you want to go, much too quickly it seems to me. Then you get into the habit of rushing and you fail to really experience your life.
Riding your bike is good. Walking is better. Realize, Nancy, when you ride your bike, it’s not those other people you are teaching as much as it is you.
You learn to slow down when you ride your bike. You are learning to take in the miracles of the landscape, growing things and endless beauty. You are becoming more integrated into the space of Springfield where you live.
So, I applaud your efforts to consume less gasoline by riding your bike. That is so important to your atmosphere, but also the benefits to you are enormous.
So, take time to savor and enjoy and find the happiness within whenever you have the luxury of riding your bike to work. Don’t go so fast that you miss out on life. That’s what I’ve been trying to teach you and you are beginning to understand, aren’t you?
Have a wonderful day! Ride on!
Love, Gaia
A Letter from the Earth concerning Morning Silence 5/11/18
Every morning, I wake early to meditate, journal and write. It’s during this time I receive these letters from the Earth. On this particular morning, the Earth wrote me about my meditation practice. I love her suggestions. Perhaps they will be helpful to you, as well!
May 11, 2018
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A Letter from the Earth concerning the Morning Silence
It’s morning and once again you come to listen to me. Thank you.
In the mornings of your life you can hear more deeply the truth of the eons. Here you find silence which astounds you and you encounter that laughing spirit coaxing you into life. Amid all the uncertainty and foibles and hopes of your existence, you come and sit with me.
As you center and breathe, you take the life force inherent in all of my creatures. I’m so glad you meditate, but I want you to take it just a little deeper. Let the distractions go. Find that point of inner bliss where we connect.
You believe that you encounter God as you meditate, right? You say you listen. So, I ask you to meditate more expectantly, more fully as we share love in this morning time.
Breathe in my Spirit enlivening, enfolding, encouraging you. Breathe out the frustrations and fears. Let go into our love.
Okay Nancy? I’ll be waiting.
A Letter from the Earth Concerning Vacation with Loved Ones May 24, 2018
For several years, I have been receiving Letters from the Earth. Now, she urges me to share them with you. I believe they come deep from the heart of God, the nurturing energy in all of creation. I received this letter after arriving in Boston for a long weekend with my son, Jacob, and my husband, Steve. She always gives me great advice that I think might be helpful to you, as well.
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A Letter from the Earth Concerning Vacation with Loved Ones May 24, 2018
Dear Nancy,
This week you are taking a vacation to visit your son. Thank you for taking a break and thank you for spending time with those you love. So important for the quality of your life, you know.
Here you are in Boston and I sense you want to see the natural world, the sea, the beach, the flowers and woods, but there is so much more here in this place steeped in history and ingenuity. Be open to urban life. Explore. Listen to your son. Be delighted with your husband’s choices. Relax and have a good time.
Don’t become too intent with doing at the expense of being. Allow your days to be spacious. You can teach, but also learn. Take yourself lightly. Laugh and be real. This is my prescription for each day, really.
So glad you are here. Enjoy!
18 A Letter from the Earth concerning a Walk in the Arboretum

For several years, I have been receiving Letters from the Earth. She urges me to share them with you. I believe they come deep from the heart of God, the nurturing energy in all of creation. I received this letter after taking a walk in a beautiful arboretum and cemetery a block from home. I had been worrying about the changing climate that day, pondering the great denial of so many despite the obvious problem we face.
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18 A Letter from the Earth Concerning a Walk in the Arboretum
Dear Nancy,
Thank you for listening to me. So many are disconnected from me these days. I appreciate your willingness to listen and record my thoughts. Thank you very much.
These walks are good for you and good for me.
For once you took time to really consider your place in the universe. An earthling walking on planet earth, you sensed the position of your body on a round ball, suspended in space, in an ever evolving universe. Looking at the limestone cliffs, grown of millions of years of geological events, now full of holes, eroding yet still standing. You saw yourself within the Universe Story and marveled at the miracle of it all.
Thank you for taking time to be aware of all that has transpired and all that is happening now.
I know it was hard for you yesterday when your high school friends laughed and told you global warming wasn’t real. Later your husband reminded you that denial is a very real part of grief. You have to love the people, even as you continue to speak. Remember the hospice nurse, Patty Babian, who told you never to deny people their denial. Sometimes that’s the best place to be.
So much churning within you these days, Nancy. I know it’s painful and beautiful. Puzzling and triumphant. Depressing and hopeful.
In the midst of this time, I thank you for listening. I give thanks as you lead the church children in their dance of gratitude this morning, know that I am there, animating you and them, dancing, providing life for all and I appreciate you.
Love, Gaia